The day at AVP unfolded for each of us:
Mike:, Frontman, stand(v4); Volatile(v3)
Philip: Frontman, sds(v5); Distance Dyno (v4); Volatile(v3); FA of Stilletto
W: Finger Confusion (v7); Casual Tees (v6, flashed); Frontman, sds(v5, flashed); Volatile(v3, flashed)
After a good bit of time at AVP, we re-grouped and headed to the LTR sector. The "Man-child" area was the our focus, as Mike and Philip were itching to try the two tiger problems, Bengal and Tiger Side. Phil made progress on Tiger Side, while Mike stayed determined and sent Bengal!
Seattle is coming up quick. We have been looking to get fit. A long ways to go, but its a long ways to travel to suck. Get ready Seattle bEAST COASTERS, the 300 Broce contingent is revving the engine!
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